Law of Attraction


When you feel the warm wind

on your fingertips,

passing through

on its way elsewhere.

When you feel the sun

on your face

and you tilt back and smile

at its golden embrace.

When you look out

your bedroom window

and the moon is

perfectly framed

in the gaps of the

barely budding branches

of the old oak trees.

The way it feels to float

in the cold, ocean water

on your back;

the endless liquid beneath,

the endless gas above.

The way it feels to fall in love—

slow and steady,

or all at once.

The quiet of a forest,

a long country drive.

Moments of bliss or heartbreak

that let you know you’re alive.

Failure and fucking,

rebirth and being kind.

Shedding old selves

and leaving them behind.

Gratitude and quiet.

Peace and time.

The simple magic of life is lost on the distracted mind.

If you don’t stop to notice the little miracles, the big ones will pass you by.

How have your wishes already come true?

Have you noticed?

I remember when what I have now was once just an item on a list of things I didn’t believe were available to me. When I remember that, I am humbled by awe at the generosity of the Universe. I am overcome with gratitude. Tears fall down my cheeks as I throw my arms up in the air and say

“thank you THANK you THANK YOU!!!”

How many times have I been stuck but gotten free? How many times have I found myself chronically optimistic even when no proof that better was around the corner was anywhere to be found?

But it turned out to be

just around the next corner.

Aligning yourself with what you desire starts with clarification of those desires. Make a list. Get specific but don’t get too attached to how it will all unfold. Let your feelings guide you. Is it freedom you want? Stability? Partnership? Community? A deeper spirituality? More self-love? Simply to feel better? A more equitable world?

Don’t be a nay-sayer to your own dreams.

Don’t poop your own party!!

Think of your dreamatorium in your brain space as a sacred zone where no one outside of you is allowed to say anything about what you are calling in.

You don’t have to tell anyone what you’re wishing for!

If you can think of it, in some capacity, it can be yours.

I will say, however, that there is an aspect of surrender that must also be incorporated in order to combat frustration and that wish-killer, resistance.

What’s meant to be, will be

is a great affirmation to add to the list so you don’t forget that we, as flawed humans, don’t always know what’s best for us. Holding on too tightly to something that isn’t meant to be can distract you from something better. Although, manifestations are like trolley cars…

there’s plenty of ‘em in the sea.

Write your list out and carry it around with you. Pull it out and read it from time to time. Close your eyes and visualize what life would be like if you were living the way your heart felt called to. How would you feel? How would you spend your days? What would you smell, touch, taste, hear, and feel? Make it real to you.

Imagination has a power that we forget once we grow up. But this only happens because some bitter old fogies convinced us it was frivolous to play, to dream, to imagine. But it isn’t!!

Meditation is imagination and it’s the most powerful thing I’ve ever experienced.

All art starts out as imagination.

In fact!!!!

Every single thing that exists as matter in this world was once just a thought.

You were once just a thought.

And yet here you are,

realer than real.

Allow yourself to play, to grow, to flow, to change, to be and be magic. Honor the every day miracle of breath in your lungs and your heart beating blood through your body. Honor the beauty of a beautiful birdsong, or crepuscular rays of sun through cumulus clouds! Honor your nos and yes-es. Think about the things you’ve already co-created and walk this earth like you know your power.

And don’t forget to shine some of that light on someone who needs it.

The Universe loves a generous spirit.

Be grateful, be delusional, dream big.

The secret of magic, of manifestation,

of the Law of Attraction is to

ask for what you want,

and then let yourself have it.

Listen here // watch here

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Co-Creating a Better World


All We Have is Each Other