Walk On Podcast Episode 47 : What Gender?
Happy Pride Month!!!!!!!!!!!!
We’re here, we’re queer, we won’t disappear!!!!!
Gender is a construct. A construct is a program. A program is an illusory limitation we adhere to simply because “the matrix” doesn’t appear to give us a choice. The gender binary of boys-do-this and girls-do-this is indoctrinated into us absurdly young. For those people who’s parent’s had gender reveal parties—it started very publicly and before they were even born… and in the form of pink-or-blue shit stains in a fake diaper, no less. Is that right?? Is that how it works?? Did I nail it?? Anyway, gender is fake.
That isn’t to say people’s gender never fits within the binary—there are binary cis and binary trans people—after all, gender is a spectrum. And not a straight line spectrum, either…more like a technicolor sphere spectrum. A quantum timeline spectrum of multiple realities. A psychedelic, trip, man!! Gender is as personal, as indivual, as autonomous as the shape of the lines of our fingerprints. It’s a choose-your-own-adventure-game. Anyone who would presumed to tell you how to do it probably has some major internal work to do because why? Why do people care so much about how other people gender?
In my experience, gender variance has been an opportunity to question every construct, and to decide—with intention—how I find freedom in this hologram we call existence, ya dig? Question everything. The truth is out there. Listen here.