Walk On Podcast Episode 55 : ThE GeNeRaTiOn WaRs
Get off my lawn is a right of passage.
With age, you can’t help but notice the ignorance of youth, and (hopefully) that helps you understand how ignorant you are in this moment compared to all that you will come to understand in 5, 10, 20 years (God willing) and that (again, hopefully) will also give you compassion to those with less lived experience in this fucking hellscape we call ReALiTy.
Capitalism operates under the weapons of scarcity and competition, which begets separation. In a better, more altruistic system—one that supported us, that worked for us, that supported us in serving one another, we would have community. Community says you are not less valuable because of your youth or your abundance of years of lived life, we are not in competition. One of us does not have to be wrong for the other to be right.
The media creating an ultimately false and superficial beef between generations who could be learning from one another... ? hmm almost like it's on purpose. Youth is the market demographic deemed "tastemakers" but who are really the easiest and most beneficial to manipulate (expendable income, free time, new to neuro maturity/critical thought) and that's why Gen Z is "cool" and Milennials are no longer. It was once us and, believe it or not, it was once the Boomers in charge of what was cool. We all get old, let's not repeat our for-bearers mistakes and write off a younger generation that has a lot to offer because we can't let go of our "cultural relevance"/being the “Bad Boys” of Earth. There's a new kid on the block, and they are snarkier, more sardonic, more academic, and screen-addicted than we were. They got this. Plus, you can take comfort in knowing, they will one day be old and "irrelevant" too.
Get off my lawn IS a right of passage, as is aging out of the role of deciding what's "cool", but that doesn't mean we all have to be assholes about it. Is there a way to transcend DUN DUN DUUUUN the generation wars? Could the powers-that-be possibly be gaining something from the division, the competition, the orchestrated opposition of people based on age? Let's unpack that.