The Insatiable Ego of War

Integrity is a hindrance on the way to attaining power—if your beliefs, your morals, your core values are too intact you don’t seem to climb as high. That isn’t to say success isn’t available, it’s just to say that someone of strong integrity probably doesn’t even want to be a CEO or a President or Darth Vader. Anyone who’s spent any time in the New York City art scene can tell you that the people who rise up the ranks the fastest are often the people with the biggest, most unchecked egos. Why?

Well, entitlement for one. Like in the fable The Emperor’s New Clothes, people tend to believe people who say things with confidence. It’s the Trump-style method of self-promotion “I am the smartest. I am the best.” All he’s missing is the wave of the Jedi Mind Trick hand motion. “These are not the droids you’re looking for.” Actually, they are lol. And actually, you’re not.

The other hallmark of exorbitantly successful people is a willingness to step on, to squash, to backstab, to steal from, to alienate, to compromise, and to use others for your own personal gain. There is not a single person who did business with Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg who didn’t get burned. The “I stepped on several people’s skulls to get over the wall and into capitalist heaven” just doesn’t sound as good as “self-made.”

None of this is something to strive for, it’s just the way the system is set up. A Bernie Sanders will never get as far as a Hillary Clinton—he won’t sell out his values for power. He had values in the first place. The best leaders are reluctant leaders, but they usually aren’t the ones that get the job. Capitalism is built on exploitation, and that is the only thing that trickles down from the top.

How one can sleep at night, enjoy the flavor of food, make love or enjoy nature with presence and gratitude when they are responsible for the deaths of innocent people is beyond me. How can someone justify mass murder with an explanation of adherence to imaginary borders, currency, or the fabricated scarcity of nonrenewable resources (fabricated because if we culled our dependence on them they would last longer)? Is that all it takes?

Fascism is alive and well in the world today and it comes in the form of warmongers, the way it always has. Being anti-war, many people claim, is a simplistic stance—but to me, it shouldn’t be complicated.

Every life is sacred. Every human being walking this earth deserves the bare minimum of safety, security, and having their material needs met. No one asks to be born. No one asks to be born in a particular country with particular rules. Everyone is caught up enough in surviving—why does one small-minded, greedy, egoistic asshole’s most base desires come before the needs of the many? Who decided that’s right?

Thanks to the mishandling of covid and the slow-to-no response to the growing threat of climate change, dissatisfaction with the ruling class is at an all-time high. We, the working class, hold the power. Without us, they are nothing. We should have a say in how the world is run beyond choosing between a power-grabbing sociopath and a slightly more overt power-grabbing sociopath. Power-over is a red flag that something has gone terribly wrong and it’s gone that way by design. We need to remember—remember our power, our strength, the divinity in ourselves as individuals, in each other as physical manifestations of the universe, and in our collective strength as the vibrational frequency of love.

In the working-class experience, if you don’t do a good job you get fired. They aren’t doing a good job and yet!!!!! because they have money and resources and power-over they get to control every aspect of how we live—down to what we pay for gas, for groceries, in taxes, what is taught to children in schools, who gets to live, and who has to die— they even get to erase the objective truth of history???

We don’t live in the same reality. We are just numbers on a page to them.

We’ve lost nearly a million people to covid. Nearly a million. And still, nothing is being done. In fact, less is being done than ever.

They are public servants, meant to represent us. If they aren’t doing it right, something needs to change. On a global scale, power to the people.

That’s ALL power to ALL people.

listen here // watch here

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