Everything is Everything
The journey of self-actualization is ever-expanding, just like the Universe, which created us in Their image. There are infinitely unfolding levels to the healing spiral that urge us to continue on the path of least resistance, the path of our most conscious selves. We aren’t only souls and we aren’t only human, we are a cosmic dance, like DNA, like the Milky Way, all things forever entwined. We are an experience. A collection of experiences and wounds and lessons and gifts and things that only we can bring to the world in a way that is totally unique to us. There has never been a you before now and there never will be again, what a blessing it is to have you here, now.
I got a comment on one of my TikToks this week (in a rather rude tone lol) asking what the fuck I was even talking about, jumping from discussing a system of government and then jumping into a conversation about my feelings. I realized when I set out to make this podcast that I was challenging myself with a lofty goal—to demystify spirituality, personal growth and healing. Demystify. Make accessible. Break. It. Down. Basically, I was inspired by the people who did that for free on the internet at a time when I needed help wading through the rough waters of my early days of recovery and spiritual awakening. I’m paying it forward.
Along my journey, it has become clear to me that everything is political. It is a red flag any time I hear a spiritual teacher suggest that it is low vibrational to participate in or care about politics. I’ve said it before, I will say it 100 times; we came here to be human. Human!!! Flawed and real and messy and feeling and mistaken and egoistic and hilarious and embarrassing. That’s part of the gig of coming down here. A major aspect of our collective mission is to make this world a better place for future humans. Ignoring politics is sure as shit not gonna achieve that.
Yeah, in a perfect world, there would be no hierarchies, no oppression, no exploited labor, no need for politics, but that is not the world the people who came before us co-created, is it? And what happens in spirituality when we ignore a problem hoping it will go away?
It is true internally, inter-personally, in regard to our physical health, and politically—you have to look at it in order to fix it. Admitting it is step 1. So that’s all I’m trying to do. Admit it.
When I was unpacking my tumultuous and abusive childhood in therapy for the first time, I was overwhelmed with the idea of why. How did my family get this way? How is not a gotdang one of us normal? How far does it go back? So I started investigating. War, sexual, physical, emotional abuse, neglect, narcissism, control, toxic relationships, poverty, emotional unavailable parents, addiction, untreated mental health issues, untreated trauma… I could go on… All of these issues began as systemic issues. Choices made by people in power that trickled all the way down through my ancestors and into lil ol’ me.
The first time I ever did mushrooms, I remember writing in my journal it is soooo simple, we just make it hard. This is true in the way we make our lives more difficult by refusing to honor and feel our feelings, choosing instead to hide our softest parts away, never allowing ourselves to be seen and then wondering why we are lonely. This is true in a spiritual sense, wherein which we bogged ourselves down with these superficial institutions with all these rules and limitations and rigid ideas of what God is or could be, alienating and oppressing so many in the process, when we could just have continued nurturing a personal relationship to the spiritual and allow everyone else to do the same. And this is true politically, all choosing to run our lives by the collective delusion of money—literally suffering and dying for money or due to a lack there of, killing the Earth (OUR ONLY HOME BTW!!!) for the promise of a quick buck?! Throwing our fellow humans under the proverbial bus for what?! A little piece of power?!
Which brings me to ego. Greed is a function of the ego, as is a thirst for power. As soon as we start desiring power, our willingness to cooperate goes right out the window. An “I’m gonna get mine” mentality overrides many of our more loving impulses. Everything becomes a competition. The need to feel superior is addictive to the ego and it uses all sorts of methods to put itself in a situation of better-than.
Everything is everything. The ways we learn to cope as children end up being the ways we self-sabotage as adults. A fear of commitment usually means an inability or unwillingness to commit to anything. It creates a lack of follow-through, which causes a shame spiral, and before you know it, you’re debilitated. Marginalization can instill in us all sorts of self-hatred and shame that can become a major block to accessing the kind of self-love that we are all entitled to, just by nature of being alive. Bigotry in the government reinforces bigotry within families and amongst peers, which adds even more levels of unpacking that needs to happen when a person is working toward spiritual liberation.
The programs that keep us limited were put their by political people, with political motivations, who more-often-than-not have some form of inherited generational power.
To ignore that is a mistake.
A holistic approach to life is the only way forward. This means looking at the political, the physical, the interpersonal, the spiritual. This means tracing every wound and block and struggle back to it’s roots. It is becoming more and more clear that no one is going to liberate us, we have to do it ourselves, just like the brave souls who came before us. True healing is holistic, because everything really is everything. So that’s what the fuck I’m talking about :)
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