Trust the Timing of Your Life
Trusting the timing of your life isn’t easy. Surrender is an active process that requires constantly checking in for any subtle (or not-so-subtle) resistance that may be happening in your ego.
We resist mostly out of fear of the unknown that comes with letting go. What happens if I surrender? Who will I become? What if I accept my current situation and I stay here forever? Will I be able to handle the change that I know is asking to be made?
“Why is surrender so important?” you may be asking? “In this white-supremacist-capitalist-cis-hetero-patriarchal system aren’t I supposed to grit my teeth and force my way through, stifling and ignoring all my emotions and physical body until I break or age out or die?”
Surrender gives you a deep-down freedom that cannot be reached through any external means. It allows you to flow towards your highest good more effortlessly all the time. It also you to listen to the signals of change, and to take the inspired actions steps to bring about that change yourself. It stops the Tower Moments™️ from needing to be so extreme. The Universe no longer has to fight for your attention. You learn to Just Be.
There are so many tools to help you with the seemingly impossible task of maintaining a state of surrender. One of my favor it (and by far the most helpful) is astrology. Knowing my birth chart and tracking the astrology of the moment and seeing how it interacts with my placements gives me a reason for what I’m experiencing. This is especially true when I’m having a difficult time and operating from a place of resistance.
Whenever I’m going through a period of struggle (and tbh usually after a few days/weeks of going WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!) it occurs to me that maybe I should check the stars. Always, 100% of the time, what I’m experiencing, why, what I can learn from it, and how I can best navigate it is there, in plain language, for free!!!! It’s wild!!!
Another thing that has helped is divination—my favorite form being the Tarot. I remember when I was going through my Saturn returns, just having THE WORST time, pulling a few cards, and getting the message “you have everything you deserve.” I was like, the absolute nerve.
What they meant was our current place in life is the sum of all the days we have lived so far. There is a point in all of our lives where we don’t fully understand that concept. Everything is a fucking mystery. Once you learn it, though, you start moving more mindfully in the present.
Astrology, the Tarot, journaling, meditation, gratitude, therapy, and living long enough (and putting in the work) to have proof that I am creating my future with every choice that I make has helped me trust the timing of my life.
You can’t go faster than you’re going. You can’t know better before you do. You can’t go back and change anything about the past. You can’t force or shame yourself into making better choices. All you can do is take each moment as it comes, be as conscious as you can as you move through the world, and lovingly guide yourself along your journey of becoming. Beyond that, all you can do is all you can do.
I’m so glad I didn’t get what I wanted when I wanted it. I’m grateful to understand that I couldn’t see the whole picture when I was in it. I have witnessed just how drastically things can improve even when they seem hopeless. I have learned to trust my own power to heal, my own strength, and the timing of my own life.
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