Walk On Podcast Episode 61 : Let The Tower Fall
So much of letting go, of Walking On, is about change. So much of shadow work, or healing, or introspection, or however you like to define—or refer—to your personal journey of the integration of the divine into your human experience, is about staring your own personal Big Fear Monster in the face.
I’ve been watching a lot of horror movies lately (Happy Halloween!!) and it reminds me of The Babadook. The bisexual icon says, in his scrap book, “the more you deny me, the stronger I become.” In the New Age community where we love catchy slogans that sort of rhyme, it’s the same thing as “what you resist, persists.”
We are intuitive beings, naturally. Antenna to the frequency of The Universe. We are guided by feelings, by emotions, by signs and synchronicities, to continue moving forward—or, more accurately, expanding in all directions. What gets in the way is our resistance.
Fear of the unknown is a natural fear. It’s evolutionary. It’s what kept our ancestors in their dwellings after dark. It’s what gives you that uneasy feeling when you walk past a dark alley way. It isn’t inherently bad, it is what keeps us safe! That being said, if we can’t discern between what is a warranted concern and what is the ego’s fear of change, that is when we get in some trouble.
The Universe starts with a whisper.
I think something needs to change
We shrug it off. We might tell ourselves we can learn to be happy, things will change on their own, we need more time, we aren’t ready. The Universe, nonjudgmental, waits.
Then, a bit louder.
I think you should take a step towards another direction
“I can’t leave this job/relationship/location!! What if it’s a mistake!! I can’t get to know someone new or learn a new skill!!! What if I get lonely??!! What if I fail?? What if I regret it?! I think maybe I’ll just stay here growing increasingly more unhappy, resentful, and dis-empowered because that’s much easier in the short term, you know, hahah, I’ll be fine!! This is fine!!!!”
A few more interactions like this, and things start falling apart, like a rowboat with too many holes to plug up with your hands, springing leak after leak, sinking sinking sinking. You may ask yourself “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME????!!!!” The Universe replies, cheesy, cloying, cliché, annoying, but still, somehow profound, correct…
Maybe, it’s happening for you.
Change is scary. If we don’t listen to our intuition about when it’s time to change, change can become downright destructive. Have you been ignoring what’s best for you? Have you been clinging onto what you know even if what you know isn’t what you want? What about on a societal scale? Are we being prompted to change--bombarded with clear signs that things aren’t working? Are we listening? First the Universe whispers, then they scream. Throw your hands up in surrender, let the tower fall.