Walk On Podcast Episode 78 : Your One Wild and Precious Life

Aziz Acharki

In an alternate universe,

I did everything I was supposed to.

In an alternate universe,

I was “successful”

at “settling down.”

I made a career out of

something that would

pay the bills

or at least


In an alternate universe,

I didn’t listen to the


of my fragile body


the pull of my

longing for more.

Didn’t hear the hurt

of my inner child

or the


of what I wanted.

I wasted away;

bloomed bitterness

where bliss could have been

and made everyone else

so happy.

Jon Tyson

What if the perception of the outside view of me that said good person good daughter good granddaughter good hungry woman good quiet girl good outfit good figure good putting out but only if he loves you good get married good stay put good life escalater good don’t question good don’t wonder good don’t take a chance you might fail good never leave never grow never prosper unless it's the way I want you to good suffer in silence good strong good giving ‘til you’re empty good cry only when no one’s looking good be good do good good perfect had been enough?

Everyone liked me a lot more when I didn’t have boundaries. Everyone liked me more when I didn’t like myself. My walking away has always been met with projection, rejection, criticism, and abuse. But I did it anyway. I didn’t have a choice. I wasn’t going to survive the old life. There was something deep inside me that told me that change was a blessing, so I walked step after unsure step—blindfolded like the two of wands, not knowing where I was going, but sure it had to be better than this.

Kirill Balobanov

Your life is yours. There is an alternate universe where you are allowed to be happy. There is an alternative universe where you are worth more than your work, your sacrifice, your service. There is a world where the authentic you isn’t met with judgment, but with joy. There is a world where you look in the mirror and like it. There is an Other Side to the fear you feel when you consider putting yourself out there. Failure isn’t as bad as it is in your head. Or maybe it is but the always wondering what could have been is much, much worse.

No one at the end of their life thinks

“I’m so glad I didn’t take that chance, I’m so glad I didn’t tell that person I loved them, I’m so glad I never chose myself, I’m so glad I didn’t chase my dream life, I’m so glad I didn’t speak my truth.”

Dakota Corbin

We come down here, we choose our bodies like building video game avatars, we want to learn our lessons, we want to come home to ourselves. Knowing yourself a little bit better every day is a gift bestowed on you by the universe which made you in their image, so explore. There is no one on this earth like you and isn’t that a miracle?! Freedom and love are your divine right as someone alive on this earth at this moment. Just be and you’ll find it in little pockets of joy, in little glimpses of magic. Like all living things, some shedding is necessary for growth and there is grief and that’s good, actually! Don’t fear the feelings that well up in you as you jump from obstacle to obstacle and unfurl the truth of you one layer at a time. Feel gratitude for the you who did the best they could, but when it’s time, step into the new with gratitude, too. Make it your goal to feel better, do better, love better than you did the day before and watch experience open up to you.

Grow, flow, be, become!! Waste not a moment of your time being anywhere other than where you want to be. Every day move close to the true expression of your being. When you are authentic to yourself you exude a light like a beacon that will show you the way. Trust the path, trust the process, trust the failure, trust the love, even trust the lonely, and trust that you are safe to live—REALLY LIVE— your one wild and precious life!

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